Climate Change
First, what is climate change? Climate change is when greenhouse gasses go into our atmosphere where they create the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is when there is methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the sun shines though those particles. Think of it like this: when there is a can on a hot summer day sunlight shines through the window it heats up the car. But when the light tries to escape the car it can’t because of the windows so think of the carbon dioxide and methane as the windows.
We as humans produce fossil fuels that contain methane and carbon dioxide. About 80% of our energy is fossil fuels which means 20% is clean energy. What is fossil fuels you might ask? Well, fossil fuels are gas, oil and coal. Which that gas is that gas is methane that goes into the atmosphere and acts as a widow that traps the heat. The right amount of methane is good for our atmosphere but too much which is what the fossil fuels produce creates climate change.
Clean energy is another source of energy. The different types are Solar energy, Wind energy, Geothermal energy, and Hydropower energy. Clean energy is much better than fossil fuels because it doesn’t produce as much greenhouse gasses. Sadly, 80 percent of the energy we use is produced from fossil fuels that means 20 percent energy is clean energy.