Daily Habits


A daily habit is something you do every day that can improve your health. In Language Arts class we did planking as our habit. The first week we started with a 30 second plank. Each week we would add 15 seconds to our plank. At the end of this habit we went for 2 minutes and 15 seconds. After doing the plank for a few weeks the 30 seconds became easier. At first I wasn’t consistent with the plank, but as more time passed I got more consistent. This was a compound effect and every day I got better and better at planking. Now, whenever I plank I can hold it for more than what I started it. At the beginning of planking I would forget to do it. Personally, I am not very strong so this was a great activity to improve my strength. This activity also challenged me to hold a plank for more than 30 seconds. I think developing a daily habit, especially one that is challenging, is great for your mind. Now our class is choosing a new daily habit. I am choosing to take a walk every day for 10 to 15 minutes. I do not spend enough time outdoors. Taking a walk is very calming. It’s a nice way for me to collect my thoughts. Altogether, a daily habit is an excellent thing to do.